Design philosophy

Timeless design


tidlös design

Timeless products ready to be used for a long time.

What is timeless design to us?

The Scandinavian heritage and a quest for a sustainable lifestyle help us create timeless design and select products that do have an obvious function and a natural context in everyday life.

Timeless materials

Our ambition to take advantage of the earth’s resources where they are already abundant instead of creating new materials makes it natural for us to produce our products in Asia. We almost always start from one of the fantastic natural materials that grow or are already produced in this part of the world – jute, seaweed, sisal, water hyacinth and natural rubber.

We don´t follow specific trends – or do we?

We think that trends come and go, but Dixie’s products remain. A design trend or personal style can be followed and still created by adding contemporary details. But it is all the more important for us to follow the trends of the outside world. It is clear that sustainability work from a global perspective is the biggest and most important trend of all if we are to get close to the global goals in Agenda 2030. We think this is trendy.

Products that feel right for a long time

In order for a product to feel right for a long time, high quality and durability are required. We work actively to increase or preserve the lifespan of our products and we also have dialogues with our suppliers on how to think ahead from a circular economy perspective.